Business Directory

Bear Flat businesses are listed here under business category.  Listings of categories and businesses within a category are alphabetical.  The directory is offered as a useful information source.  The BFA does not endorse or take any responsibility for the products and services offered by these businesses.

If you are not shown and would like to be included on the directory, please email the BFA at

Businesses that have sponsored BFA events and activities are marked with a #.

For other nearby businesses not represented on Bear Flat, go to Nearby Businesses

David J Edmunds & Co

Beauty and Hairstyling
Bliss Beauty
Jessica’s Hair and Beauty
Nino’s Barbers – 3 Hayes Place
S J Beauty

T P Richards

Estate Agents
Andrews Estate Agents #
Bath Stone Property  #

Space Gym  #
Zita Alves

Gifts, Crafts and Flowers
Floral Touch
Julia Davey


Davina Williamson Counselling 
Bath Health Care Clinic
The Royce Clinic
Treat Feet
Wellsway Chiropractic Clinic Bath
Wellsway Dental Practice
Wellsway Pharmacy

Hotels, Bed and Breakfast
Bear Hotel  #
Devonshire House Bed and Breakfast

Household Goods and Fittings
House of Radiators
Newlook Windows

Majestic Wine

Dogs of Bath

Restaurants, Cafes, Take-Aways
Alex’s Greek Cooking
Bear Flat Fish and Chips

Bear Hotel
Da Vinci Italian Deli
Devonshire Arms
Good Bear
Menu Gordon Jones

Weisberg Legal

Co-op Bear Flat
Tesco Express