Conservation Area study

This BFA study of our area for the Council was published in April 2020.

Bath and North East Somerset Council commissioned BFA to do the work, an unusual partnership between a local authority and an association like ours.

Front cover of the Council Publication

The study is on the Council web site (see below) to be consulted in planning matters such as planning applications and formulating planning policy. It is one of a series about the Bath Conservation Area.

We have described and analysed the area in terms of buildings, streets, views, trees, traffic and so on. And we had the chance to state what we see as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.

As well as being a planning document, the study offers an interesting read for everyone about the locality and its character.  56 photographs portray the area. Did you know, for example, that the area has over 100 listed buildings and six trees/groups of trees important enough to have preservation orders? That and more are in the study.

The primary purpose is better understanding of the area’s importance within the Conservation Area and to help ensure that developments preserve or enhance the special character. Councils are under a duty to protect and improve their conservation areas.

The work was done by the Planning and History Groups of the BFA, and we consulted two Residents Associations in Oldfield Park.

If this appraisal sparks comments or suggestions, please tell us via

One of 16 studies

The Bath Conservation Area that covers most of the City has been divided into 16 character areas, each with its own distinctive character. Our area is Bear Flat and Oldfield Park. Our study goes forward to be part of the complete appraisal for Bath (i.e. the set of 16 areas).

In due course the Council will seek public views on all the documents before adoption and final publication.

Also of local interest will be parallel studies (not by BFA):

  • Widcombe & Kennet and Avon Canal;
  • Beechen Cliff and Alexandra Park; and
  • Entry Hill, Perrymead & Prior Park.

The series can be found via beta . bathnes . gov . uk/view-conservation-character-appraisals