The Gore (the informal name for the triangular strip of land between Wellsway and Bloomfield Road) had been rather neglected over the years. In particular, the Grade II listed Victoria Drinking Fountain was in a parlous state and the land had become a farm of utility boxes.
The Gore is a small green space that should give pleasure to our residents and act as a fitting gateway to Bear Flat. Our vision was to create a beautifully landscaped and planted area, clear of utility boxes and with a restored and functioning drinking fountain.
In addition, we are consultation with the Council re a pedestrian crossing across both Wellsway and Bloomfield Road.
As a first step , The BFA worked with various stake holders to restore the fountain in 2022 .

In 2024 the BFA and Bath In Bloom landscaped and planted up the area.

There are limits to what we can achieve. In particular, moving these utility boxes is likely to be prohibitively expensive and disruptive, though we are in discussion with to see what can be done.