Local Plan: BFA presses for stronger policies for Bear Flat

In our response to B&NES Council on Local Plan options, we’ve asked for a pro-active approach to grow and enhance local centres, of which Bear Flat is recognised as one. We support the aim to safeguard and expand locally available services and facilities, but call for other policies such as employment and economic growth to include strengthening of local centres.
We draw attention to the BFA Vision for Bear Flat and say that Bear Flat would benefit from policies to reduce travel to work in the city centre by car, and improve the public realm for people walking and cycling. Bear Flat, we state, is a sustainable neighbourhood with buses, shops, open spaces etc., within walking distance for most residents. It is an exemplary 15-minute community.
On housing land availability, we wish to see self-contained neighbourhoods created with their own employment, retail, community facilities (not housing estates that would generate lots of traffic). We point to the risk of new development in southern Bath (see below) or the Somer Valley adding to traffic through Bear Flat.
Read the BFA submission in full.
The Consultation, outlined in the Flyer in February, has now closed. More on the B&NES Local Plan is at https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/local-plan-options-consultation
More houses at Sulis Down rejected
BFA was among many to oppose the scheme for 290 homes on the South Stoke plateau (between Odd Down Park & Ride and Southstoke Lane) that was refused planning permission by B&NES Council in 2024. The scheme was criticised for being car-dependent, with no bus service near the homes. BFA’s objection was the extra traffic generated on Wellsway and Wells Road.
Awning go ahead
The Good Bear has won consent for an awning, as mooted in the Flyer in February. BFA supported the planning application. In fact, the consent allows the awning to over sail the pavement but not the outdoor seating. It will help keep the interior cool in summer.
Communications Mast for The Gore
The mobile infrastructure services company Cornerstone proposed to install a communications mast on The Gore to increase the mobile coverage to include 5G. You can find the proposal plans here and the associated covering letter here.
Bear Flat Association and Bloomfield Bath Residents’ Association have registered their objection to the proposal on the grounds of its negative visual impact and proximity to listed heritage assets. You can find the BFA / BBRA objection letter here.
The Council has ruled that a planning application ( not merely notification) would be necessary for such a scheme on this site
Transport proposals for Bath City Centre
The latest phase of the WECA corridor schemes concerns the City centre. Part of this is an improved east-west cycle route that has little bearing on Bear Flat. But the other part will affect our journeys to and from town by bus, taxi, cycle or car (less so on foot): this is a scheme for St James’s Parade and the Ambury Gyratory. The biggest change would be that buses and taxis (but not other traffic) would be able to turn right from Churchill Bridge into the bus station or Dorchester Street instead of going round by Ambury. You can find out more on the WECA website. BFA responded in December 2023, and you can read our comments here. We give broad support as we think the benefits for bus, taxi and cycle users would outweigh the inconvenience to car users. So it would be beneficial to air quality and health. We also make a number of comments and suggestions.
Transport proposals for Bear Flat Summer 2023
WECA consulted on their scheme for the A367 through Bear Flat in summer 2023. There is more on BFA’s response here. A second consultation is envisaged in late 2024
Footpath consultation Autumn 2023

B&NES Council is drawing up a legal record of public rights of way: footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and BOATs (byways open to all traffic) in Bath, consulting residents and residents ‘ associations like BFA. We circulated the draft map and the draft list of paths to be sure that the list is as comprehensive and accurate as possible. It could be years before another such consultation comes along for our area so it’s important we help the Council to get things right. The BFA response to the consultation supports most of the paths shown, but also raises some queries and points out a few possible omissions.
Keep Snowy snowy!
When we heard that The Bear pub was to be refurbished and its lighting and signage revised, we asked the brewery to confirm that the polar bear over the front door would be retained. We then heard first that it was to be removed, and then that it would be retained – but painted brown! Happily, the eventual decision was to keep the bear and keep it white Read our statement to see what the Bear Flat Association did to protect this much-loved landmark.

Liveable Neighbourhoods
BFA responded to the Council’s consultation on Liveable Neighbourhoods. There is more on the consultation at https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/liveable-neighbourhoods-consultation. The BFA response is here.
Subsequently, the BFA was behind a bid submitted to improve Hayes Place as a ‘ village ‘ centre.