(held Friday, 9th February at 7pm, in the Methodist Church Hall, Bruton Avenue)

Download the presentation from the meeting HERE. It contains boundary maps, options and instructions about how to respond.
Deadline (1): Complete the BFA survey of residents’ preferences by midnight on 11.02.18
Deadline (2):  Send your comments to the Boundary Commission by 19.02.18

The Local Government Boundary Commission (England) is consulting on proposed changes to ward boundaries designed to reduce the number of ward councillors. As well as re-drawing the ward boundaries, the plans would create seven single-councillor wards in order to reduce the number of councillors from 66 to 59. For Bear Flat, the proposals would split our neighbourhood along Wellsway, with the Poets Road being added to Widcombe Ward (though the south side of Devonshire Buildings would remain in Widcombe, Magdalen and Park Avenues and half of Hayesfield Park being transferred to Oldfield Park. The roads to the west of Wellsway would remain in a smaller Lyncombe ward.

Each household in our neighbourhood is being leafleted about this public meeting.

A briefing paper has been prepared and you are invited to take our on-line survey so that we can collect the views of Bear Flat residents

The LGBCE will accept comments from anyone, but these must focus on (a) electoral equality, i.e. constituents per councillor, (b) community identity, and (c) effective and convenient local government.

The consultation closes on 19th February. Link:  lgbce.org and select Bath & North East Somerset